Fortune favours the brave.

I fall in love with people’s passion. The way their eyes light up when they talk about the thing they love and the way they fill with light. 

Always be brave enough to show and share your passions. Let no one discourage any ambitions you may have, no matter how irrational they may seem.

You don’t need anyone to achieve the goals you set out or anyone to motivate you in the right direction. Be your own motivation. Acknowledge that YOU are good enough to succeed and achieve anything you put your mind to. 

Nobody but you has the power to change any situation you face. Do what makes YOU happy, as after all, no one lives with your decisions or outcomes.

Every day tell yourself that you are capable. That you are beautiful, talented and intelligent. Acknowledge the perfection you withhold. Tell yourself you are nothing but an astonishing and marvellous being. 

Compare yourself only to who you were yesterday and be nothing but your own competition. The attitude which you hold of yourself is what determines your direction.

This is your life. This is your time. The only thing powerful and capable enough to hold you back is any negative thoughts YOU hold.

Follow your hearts desires and follow them because YOU want to. And if you are passionate, don’t ever restrain yourself from spilling all that you are.

Good luck comes to those who are not afraid to step forward and look for it.

You are more powerful than you think. Be bold. 

This is a message for someone close to my heart. Believe in yourself. x

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